So much has been happening here this summer. We have been savoring all the nice warn summer days and long evenings together. We take advantage of our evenings and days off together and have really enjoyed making many fun memories this way.
We had been wanting to hike Bubble Rock for quite a while. A couple of the other girls hiked it a while ago, so of course, we had to try it too. After hiking up Sargent Mountain it didn't seem nearly so long, but we still got off onto a wrong trail. Leave it up to us!
The view was just amazing! Seeing things like this is so refreshing.
One evening Matt and Torrie stopped by for some firewood. They were heading down to the camp for a bonfire on the beach, and asked if anyone else wanted to come along. We had a great time roasting marshmallows. It was a beautiful sunset too! It's so quiet down there in the evenings...there's no place like it for a nice little get away.
We got Dad a honey extractor a while ago, but this was the first year we were able to try it out. Dad collected several pounds of honey from one of his hives this summer, so we had a blast extracting it out of the frames. Then we can reuse the comb and Dad can give it back to the bees so they don't have to build up the comb again. We ended up getting about four to five gallons of honey. We were very thankful!
We were so excited to find another catch in one of our traps the other day. We had to throw the female back because she had eggs, but we got to keep these two. One of them was soft shell and one was hard shell.
So the update on the lobstering is that the old saying is boats definitely DO sink. :-) It was so funny! We received two calls one day notifying us that our boat had turned over. We went down to the camp to find the bow sticking up out of the water. She was upside down with the stern sitting on the bottom of the ocean. But Dad and Matt came to the rescue and got it out with Matt's boat. Thank the Lord for the safety!! We lost some things, but the engine finally runs again, and will soon be for sale. It's very heavy for the boat, so we will have to look for a smaller outboard...maybe a 20 or 25hp.
Lost our fishing gloves and gaff, but that's okay. We are working on getting our traps in for the season using our row boat. What alot of fun! When we got in the other day, that board in the stern for the outboard ripped up and we could see the hole where the boat was leaking. We were SO thankful for the safety because it could just as easily have ripped off when we hauled the trap up on.
Only two more traps to get in. We lost one trap because it got tangled in someone's old fishing line, but that's the way it goes. The other two traps are quite a ways out, so we'll have to see if we can get our boat in the water and drive it around to pick them up. But we'll see.